Monday, April 19, 2010

The value of audio field opinion

I think that unknown sounds recorded in the field, do hold some value...for not just the listeners and recordists, at present...but possibly for the future, of the research and investigation into the sasquatch phenomenon. I have to agree with the general opinion of the BF community...that it doesn't offer any indisputable solid proof, and should be considered as "trace evidence". There seems to be a lot more of these recordings collected, than any good photographic or video evidence. If we can't see and witness what's making the howls, screams, chatter, strange speech like sounds, grunts, whistles, mimic like sounds, pops, percussion, and wood knocks in areas that have a history of strange activity and sightings....then how we do know it's squatch ? I hate to answer a question with another question...but, than...what exactly is this.... that IS making these sounds out in the woods and remote forests? This is one of the things.... that I aim, to try and find out.
Putting out an audio recorder, and leaving it out for the overnight...has given me the most results, so far. This was not my idea, but one I adopted from the success of other researchers that have come up with some very interesting unknown vocalizations, using this method. It makes sense to me , that a creature (whether known ones or an unknown) is going to open up and act more natural and vocalize in it's habitat...when I'm not around, and it feels the need to watch me, instead of going about it's normal business. I've been working on methods to record for longer periods of time, and know there are others that have been successful at this.
Sharing any interesting results of the recordings, seems to be even more tricky, than actually doing the recording, itself. There is some interest on the forums, and I have tried to make an effort to find others that want to share, and encourage the recordists that are still in the come forward and share. I've had limited success within the community. Sometimes it seems to me, that groups of folks share within their own friendly circles. I guess this is just human nature, and it's unfortunately...the way it is. I'm just as guilty of doing the same thing the public eye, with others that I've met on various forums, although I've shared everything I thought was interesting, to this point. If you share too much, and speak openly about your true experiences (especially if you've had a couple, close together)... it seems you are up for a credibility folks that are somehow capable, of judging others field experiences, from behind their computer screens....amazing stuff. I watched a group from Michigan share some very highly produced field recordings, that unfortunately.... ended up getting to be a really ugly mess. I don't care why it got ugly, and who was at fault, for whatever reasons.... as the history of most of that fiasco ... predates me in the forum community. I am only interested in the recordings themselves, and don't believe they are going away, anytime soon...although the folks that put up the recordings, seem to have taken a break from the spotlight, for now. These recordings could possibly hold value for the future, and I am not accepting any verdict of them being deemed a hoax...quite yet. We'll just have to wait, and see. I can't help but think, that the whole rather unpleasant scene, from what just started out as a link to a website, for listening and reading.... did not in anyway... encourage others to share field recordings, on forums.
What is this so called value that I speak of, anyway? Comparisons to known animal and human sounds, is all we have right now. We also have comparisons to each others unknown field recorded sounds. If the same unknown (yet to be identified sound) has been recorded in NY, and also in NC, Ohio, and Texas...for example, then that makes it all the more interesting...for me... in my mind. Proof of squatch running around out of Something unknown out there...yes. Could it be a known animal in all these locales, making the similar... unknown vocals ? about the wood knocks and percussive sounds?...not likely.
If and when, the holy grail squatch remains are ever found (providing, the right people find them)...they will tell us what this creature is, and finally be the accepted proof needed, to end this mystery, and force mainstream science to acknowledge the existence of the creature that so many people have witnessed. So what would be the next step ? Big game hunters (private or govnt sponsored) out to capture a live one, for study?....good luck, to you. Will this change the way science thinks, and the theories on primate, human, and hominid evolution, and life as we know it? Well, first..... it would help, to be able to observe and study a live one. How could you ever hope to protect something, that you really don't know diddly.... about, what it's doing out there ? What troubles after the dust settles, and the big hype dies down.....that these remains still won't tell us much about the vocalizations it made while it was alive, and if it can knock on trees and push them over, make percussive sounds, mimic other animals and humans and machines. Maybe (just maybe)... the audio recordings will hold more of a value (to everyone) at that time. A library of unknown sounds and vocals, as a database....noting the geographic location, time, and circumstances during the recording.
So, while you're out there searching for ye pot of gold, and that indisputable proof that the creature does exist....what will it hurt to put out an audio recorder, and just walk away?
Blogs are created to express one's opinions...and of course ....these, are just mine.

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