In 1985, my wife (then a 10 year old girl) was walking home, taking a short cut through a large abandon lot that bordered a cemetery, that was surrounded by thick concrete walls. There was a very large and old tamarind tree in the corner of the lot. As she walked past the tree, she smelled what she thought was tobacco smoke . When she paused, turned, and looked back, she saw a large, dark, hairy figure sitting on a limb of the tamarind tree. The creature (she calls "Agta") was already staring down at her. She was able to see enough detail, to implant this fearful childhood image in her memory. I won't go into any further detail about the incident, because it can be read about.... here, on a post and write up I did a while back on several forums (the NESRA forum, an information inquiry and write up on the BFRO forum) :
I have spent quite a bit of time gathering all the information and details from my wife, about this incident. It was an emotional and somewhat terrifying experience for her. She agreed (at first, reluctantly) to share the details, and have a witness sketch done of the creature.
Getting someone willing to work with her (via myself as the middle man, to relay the info and details) on a sketch, has also taken some time. I was hoping that this could somehow be accomplished through the internet. I was lucky enough to hook up with several artists (recently) that were interested, on the "Search for Bigfoot" forum. I think that this helps to demonstrate, how these BF forums can be used in a positive manner, to help folks meet up with each other, that might have otherwise.... never done so, and now have opportunities, to work together.
One gentleman, was quite backlogged with folks waiting for his services ( that are well worth the wait).... but still, kindly offered to do a portrait, and work with myself and my wife.
Another gentleman also offered his assistance, and wanted the chance to work with an eyewitness, and see if he could be of help. I'm very pleased that we gave this person the chance. I provided all the details of the encounter, and some comparison sketches that we had looked through on another site (The Painted Cave), that my wife thought looked somewhat similar to what she witnessed, as this was a good starting point.
After a few email exchanges on information, the artist ( screen name - "Knuckledragger") sent me a very well done sketch, for my wife to review and critique. I was impressed by the artistic talent and accurate detail (based on the information given) in this portrait. I was even more amazed, by the reaction of my wife... that I noticed from the second she laid eyes on it... was emotional, wide eyed, and a bit fearful, from seeing this image on the monitor. I asked her to please look at it again (when she could), and tell me if it needed any changes, and what they were. She told me that it was all accurate, in regards to what she remembers seeing... but in a more "close up" way, than the wider field of her actual vision. I asked her many times...until she got mad at me (yes, this happens sometimes... lol) , and she concluded that there were only several details that needed to be changed in the portrait.
I think, that between my wife's implanted memory of the incident, my many hours of talking to her about details, and putting this down in written form, and finally... "Knuck's" portrait drawing talents, and understanding of the information provided .... made this come together, more quickly than any of us had expected.
So, what does the creature in the portrait look like ? In my opinion, it has the characteristics of many described eyewitness reports of sasquatch-like creatures and/or hominids around the world. I think there are more things human-like to observe in the portrait, than pongid. That said, I still can't come to any accurate conclusions, of what this is... maybe in a class all by itself (?) It has a very close resemblance (in Knuck's first sketch) to another drawing, from a book I have (The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates) by Coleman/Huyghe... page 123. The creature in that drawing ( Nguoi rung, or " forest people") has been seen by many, in Vietnam. To my knowledge, the artist had never seen the drawing in the book, until I sent him a scanned image of it, for comparison. By her say so...the creature my wife saw, did not have an upturned nose... but a wider, flatter one. What she also estimated, was a larger creature than the 6' tall Nguoi rung described in the book.
I think that Knuck has a great future as an artist, and helping out eyewitnesses transform their sightings, into a portrait, for all to see... if he should choose to do so, of course.
I'm glad that this has finally been accomplished, as I've been trying for almost two years, to get it done. My sincere Thanks, go out to everyone that was involved in the process. I'll be happy to share this with my friends, family and contacts in the Philippines, as well as any folks that might be interested in the N. American and International BF communities (researchers/investigators or enthusiasts) .
I have attached an image of the first sketch, and the finished painted portrait. I have blotted out the artist's real signed name on the portraits, to protect his identity.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm always looking for more info out of the Philippines, and to hear about other peoples experiences in the RP (both Pinoys and foreigners) . I plan to personally field investigate... into the mystery of this creature, in the future. The question on whether it's still out there, and where to find physical evidence of it... is what my goals will be. I'm uncertain if this can be accomplished or not, but plan on... at least trying.
Since this involves my wife, and the artist (and not just me)... I'm very serious on making sure, that these portrait images do not end up on forums or blogs, that search out and import other's materials and past communications, for their entertainment and/or ridicule purposes . The artist, has copyrighted his portraits and images. Respectful opinions and comments (including skeptical ones) , are always welcome. Thanks for reading, and understanding.
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